Ideas are a funny thing. You always run out of them when you need them most.For me more so when I decide to pen them down... whether on a piece of paper or in notepad.So there have been millions of times when I have decided to write out something that I struggle harder to come up with the idea. More so with the words to articulate it. Initially I thought that if I take up this new hobby in the world called 'Blogging' then I may be better off to put my thoughts out. But darn!!! I struggle more here.Anyways, for the last 2 weeks I have been trying to come up with any idea for which I am committed enough to write a blog on. Ideas and thoughts are like butterflies... they fly away before you can catch them. And sometimes you dont know and you just chase them out. Its strange though that you get the most of the ideas when you are away from any means of recoding them. My mind is most fertile while I am riding a bus or driving a car or many a times in the bathroom. Thats when these grey cells actually start running in all directions generating the ideas that I always would like to put into this forum. And that my friend is the real problem. When creativity is let to go out in the playground i.e when your creativity is not murdered by your desire; is when it is the most productive. But then we live in a plastic world. I remember one of the recent songs from the grunge rock icon 'Pearl jam' where the poet, Eddie, has beautifully defined the entire process of the clipping of your wings from youth into the more mundane lifestyle.... just by a sleight of hand.Indeed just by a sleight of hand.As I progress even in this text, millions and millions of thoughts are flowing through my mind. Difficult is a small word.... it is indeed impossible for tapping all these thoughts and present here. How I wonder now... it is even more difficult to write out a book in a 'time-frame' with a subject and a story and to avoid all that you have read and heard.I know the flow for this text is swaying... its out of my hand... but then thats what it is intended to be like. Just flow....
With the falling reading habits and growing browsing habits, my mind is getting more used to infer from images than to actually imagine. It is this what is going to be a bigger problem that I would need to counter from now. We are getting more adaptive to the images than the text. We are more comfortable writing e-mails than charting out essays. We have transformed our creativity in a more business-relevant form. So what is the escape from this? This is an evolution and we may not need to transform... may be it is an adaptation that we have willingly accepted. Dont know whether this makes any sense... but this is here... probably to stay!
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