Indeed it has been a long enough for me to think and then pour all that I have stored in my mind. Alas, as always you stumble and then you fumble with words.... however, it is important to realise the importance of Time. I had always wondered on how this amazing concept of Time occurred to the mankind. It is this that has changed everything around us or at least is in process of changing NOW and will FOREVER. Many times I wonder that the moment that is now is not going to happen again ever.... never... WOW!!! It is the great concept which has put the entire human race into a never-ending rat race. Unfortunately, this rat race is against the driver of it. Its like the boggey trying to overtake the engine of a train.... it is this race of time. It was not long ago when I was just out of my college. All my veins has young blood and I was out to venture out the world.... to conquer it. But today when I stand 4 years from then, I feel the same... lot is still left and lot is being created. And I end up in this quest of how to beat up time.
Of course, this article is turning into banal. Of course, what I am saying is what all of us feel. But I really wonder what if this concept was different. Say instead of time being a constant forward concept, was like a can of milk. It would reduce after you start pouring out of it and will eventually end. Then you have to refill it. It is indeed difficult to imagine how things would be from what they are... more so what are very significant but commonplace for us. But one thing is for sure that the ongoing rat race would be split into smaller portions till the 'time-potions' end. Another interesting aspect could have been the way the trade was done. Say we could trade in and trade out these 'time-cans'. The one with the maximum number of these cans would be the richest person.... for he will have all the time in the world for his use.
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